24th Anniversary of the Yamoussoukro Decision & Workshop on Aviation Market Integration - Regional Perspectives, 13-16 November 2023, Abuja, Nigeria

I. 24th Anniversary of the Yamoussoukro Decision

A joint EASA/DG MOVE/DG INTPA delegation, Ms. Carla Iorio, Mr. Yves Koning, Mr. Henrick Hololei and Mr. Peter Bombay have actively participated and were guest speakers at the the 24th Anniversary of the YD event, in Abuja, Nigeria.

The YD Event was held under the theme “Africa Wants to Fly”. The event was be hosted by H.E Festus Keyamo (SAN), Honourable Minister of Aviation and Aerospace Management of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, while H. E Affoh Atcha-Dedji, Honourable Minister of Air, Rail and Road Transport of Togo (Champion State of SAATM) was the Special Guest of Honour.

One of the objectives of the event was to present and evaluate the progress made in the implementation of the YD/Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM), reaffirming the decision of the 2nd Extraordinary STC-TTIIET to urge the remaining 18 Member States to sign the Solemn Commitment to join SAATM and also to urge all SAATM Member States to join the Pilot Implementation Project (PIP) initiative to accelerate the implementation of SAATM.

Please visit: https://www.afcac.org/yd-week-13-16-november-2023-abuja-nigeria/

Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/@Streameventsliveng AFCAC 24th Yamoussoukro Decision (YD) Week: Day 1 to 4.

II. Workshop on Aviation Market Integration - Regional Perspectives

In the framework of the YD Event - on Day 4, AFCAC and EASA organised a “Workshop on Aviation Market Integration – Regional perspectives” (SAATM Project)

Agenda and presentations are available for download below.

Posted: Nov 20, 2023